ADHD Evaluation

BASE is pleased to offer ADHD evaluations for children (8+), teens, and adults. The purpose of these evaluations is to provide a comprehensive and objective assessment of attention concerns and/or impulsivity/hyperactivity. Furthermore, self-report and collateral report questionnaires administered as components of this assessment will also provide a snapshot of broad social and emotional functioning.

Each evaluation will include an intake appointment (for children and teenagers, this will be with parents only) to gather a detailed history of the presenting concerns, followed by an assessment session. During this appointment, the individual will complete a computerized attention task and relevant self-report questionnaires. For children and teenagers, questionnaires will also be distributed to and completed by parents and teachers to gather information regarding the presence of symptoms and challenges across settings. 

After completion of the assessment appointment and the receipt of all questionnaires, a feedback session will be scheduled to review the results of the assessment. The evaluator will complete a report summarizing the findings and recommendations associated with the assessment, which can then be shared (at the individual’s and/or parents’ discretion) with other providers, including doctors, school personnel, and/or therapists. 

Of note, an ADHD evaluation at BASE will not include cognitive or academic achievement testing and is not designed to rule out learning disabilities. If we determine that this type of evaluation is necessary, we can offer you referrals to meet these needs. 

What to expect:

Clients will be scheduled for 3 appointments:

 ●   Initial Consultation/Clinical Interview: 60 minutes

 ●   Assessment Session: 60 minutes

 ●   Feedback Session: 60 minutes

Personality-Diagnostic Assessment

BASE offers brief assessments of personality and symptomatology for adults and teens (14+). The assessment is comprised of a Clinical Interview, standardized psychometric test of personality, and if clinically indicated, adjunct symptom and/or behavior-based questionnaires. This assessment may be used to:

 ●   refine clinical diagnosis

 ●   structure and inform treatment

 ●   identify strengths and limitations

 ●   increase one’s understanding of themselves and their worldview

Information from the interview and testing is integrated into a report, and communicated to the client during a feedback session. We aim to provide clear and useful feedback and encourage clients to ask questions to enhance their understanding of the material.

What to expect:

Clients will be scheduled for 3 appointments:

 ●   Initial Consultation/Clinical Interview: 60 minutes

 ●   Computerized Testing: 90 minutes

 ●   Feedback Session: 60 minutes